5 Self Care Rituals I Love

It’s almost time to kick off my Self Love Week mini challenge on @TeamLSF and to get you in the spirit,  I’m talking about the 5 self care rituals I love. It can be so easy for us to get wrapped up in the hustle of our daily lives that sometimes, we forget to prioritize the most important person we know – ourselves.

With the weekend coming up, I thought it would be the perfect time to share some tips we can all use to shower ourselves with the love we deserve. 

Enjoy a little luxury

Do you have that candle that you save because you just love how it smells and you don’t want to use it all up? Or a fancy bubble bath that sits on your shelf? Girl, this is the time to indulge!

This weekend, pull out all of the stuff you’ve been saving “for a special occasion.” Because I’ll tell you what: every day is a special occasion! 

Those indulgences aren’t doing you any good sitting unused (but they are taking up space). So you might as well make the very most of them! 

Katie Love Sweat Fitness Meditation

Try a “grateful-for-me” meditation

What do you love about your life? You could probably list a handful of things. But I’ve got a challenge for you.

Do a gratitude meditation focused on what you love about yourself. I know, I know. This can feel hard or even a little uncomfortable. But if the thought of it makes you want to squirm, it’s kind of a sign that you should really take this on. 

This weekend, set aside 15 minutes (come on, you can do anything for 15 minutes). Grab a journal. Find a quiet, comfy seat. And make a list of things you love about yourself. If you’re feeling stumped, start with things you know your friends and family would say about you. 

Start a drinkable ritual

There’s just something special about going through the ritual of making yourself a nice drink, then sitting down to enjoy it without the rush of getting out the door. That could be a cup of tea in your favorite mug, a cocktail you’ve been wanting to try, or something to make you feel good. May I recommend my #PinkDrink Lemonade? 

To make it:

  • Cut one wedge from a lemon (leave the rest whole). 
  • Add 1 scoop of Natural Beauty to 8-16 oz of water in a pretty glass. 
  • Stir it up good!
  • Squeeze in the juice from the rest of that lemon.
  • Add ice and garnish it with your lemon wedge. 

Call your bestie

Practicing self-care doesn’t mean you have to be by yourself. In fact, chatting with friends is actually SO good for your mental health. 

As a little act of self-care, call a friend or family member you’ve been missing. Just a few minutes chatting on the phone with them can put some serious pep in your step. 

Katie Sleep Love Sweat Fitness

Prioritize your zzzz’s

Sleep is SUCH an important part of feeling good. And I know how easy it is to burn the candle at both ends, sacrificing rest to squeeze everything in. So this weekend, make it a priority to get a good night’s sleep! That means setting yourself up for success with a nighttime routine

Make it feel indulgent. Spritz your room with a scent you love. Put your fluffiest blanket on your bed. Pull out that book you’ve been wanting to start to read before bed (with all your screens powered down). And how about a nice mug of Slumber Party in your very best mug to make your nighttime feel extra special? 

Happy Valentine’s Month, babes! I hope all of you really do feel the love this weekend because you deserve it. And lt me know if you try any of these tips!

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